Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The small things

With the aid of myfitnesspal.com and fitbit, I've been able to slowly creep my way back down in weight and increase my activity level. Fitbit has painfully shown me how much I sit on my rear end all day:
I love that on the fitbit website it will graph your active score, or calories burned, steps taken, and floors climbed. I usually will have the website open at work and try to get up and talk a walk or something if I have had grey for an extended period of time. 

I've started doing two small things that have helped me feel better and clear my mind so I can work better. I've found that these things are also quite enjoyable. The first thing that I have started doing, is going on little walks. One around 11 and one around 3pm. The first one is a determined course and is usually somewhat brisk. For the afternoon one, I like to wander and just enjoy finding random little things or think about random things. I find this really relaxing. The other day I went on a walk and found the following in a random field. It made me smile. So random.

After work the other day, I took a simple walk in the foothills behind where I work. It was a beautiful walk and easy however, I was surprised at how many calories it burned. These things are so enjoyable, but it's just a matter of getting up and starting. The other thing that I have been doing is, every time I go to fill up my 1 liter water bottle I go all the way up the stairs and all the way back (about 3 floors). It is nice.

1. Last thing. So on MFP I added some random people for motivation or for inspiration. One of the guys that I friend-ed was super nice and informed me about a couple things in regard to weightlifting. One of the things that he sent me was in regard to workouts for knee pain. I thought I would share the article in case I need to reference it again. Thanks!  http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/singleleg_training_modifications_for_knee_pain

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